Finding Inspiration

Finding Inspiration I’m afraid the word “inspiration” has may have turned into “compare myself to everyone else I see on social media” lately.  Sometimes my students tell me they were looking for inspiration and then they show me things they’ve worked on that didn’t turn out like they looked on…

Breathe In, Breathe Out

3 Breathing Exercises to Calm Your Nerves Have you ever noticed yourself holding your breath?  I certainly have!  It’s usually when I’m feeling stressed or overwhelmed, and I realize I’m having to remind myself to take a breath.  This is probably not healthy, but the good news is that it’s…

Conquer Analysis Paralysis

7 Ways to Conquer Analysis Paralysis If I had a nickel for every time I didn’t do something because there were too many choices, I’d probably be rich.  It can be overwhelming to make decisions in the world of social media and Amazon and Google and on-demand everything.  Too many…

5 Steps to Successful Maker Time

5 Steps to Set Yourself Up for Successful Maker Time If you’re like me, you’ve probably made dozens of excuses for not giving yourself creative time.  I’m guilty of this on an ongoing basis, so I’ve formulated a way to help myself—and all of you—have the time and space for…

Finding Your Flow

Finding Your Flow Something physical and chemical happens in our brains when we’re stressed.  It’s not just our thoughts happening, like the ones that tell us we're unworthy or useless.  It is literally our brain chemistry going haywire to a point where it’s impossible for us to focus on any…

When Mind Trash Catches Fire

When Your Mind Trash Catches Fire, Make We’ve all been there…those moments when it seems like nothing else can go wrong and the only thing running through your mind is the self-chatter saying that you’re a complete failure, that you don’t matter, that nobody cares and that things will never…

Artist or Crafter?

Are You an Artist or a Crafter--or Both? An artist friend of mine once mentioned she’d been told on several occasions that her weaving is not art.  It’s craft.  Having my own Opinions (yes, with a capital “O”), I rolled my eyes and said something to the effect of, “Well,…

The Hall of Honest Skills

The Hall of Honest Skills “I’ve been told my baking skills are terrible.  I try not to cake it personally.  At least I still know how to bake a joke.”  ~ Anonymous I wrote in another post about the difference between art and craft, one of which was that craft…


The Art of Unstitching As I was recently struggling to remove a 6-foot long zipper from a tradeshow booth backdrop I’d sewn for a client, I was thinking about why so many of us seem to dread the thought of having to unstitch (or erase or tink or wash off…

My Instructional Style

What Is My Instructional Style? I was recently asked how I teach--what my "style" is--and I really had to think about it. Teaching has always come naturally to me, so it took a while to be able articulate how I do things.  Here's what I figured out... I think good…

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