Make your own stitch patterns! This class is excellent for both beginners and experienced knitters who want to up their game. Sequence knitting repeats combinations of stitches row-by-row to create unique, (often) reversible fabrics. If you love knitting textures or are looking for new ideas to combine yarns (especially variegated yarns), this is for you. We will use knits, purls, and a tiny bit of knitting math (no worries – I will help!) to make stitch patterns line up or serpentine across the fabric. We will spend most of the class practicing simple sequences to understand the process and then you will have time to invent your own sequences with the techniques that appeal to you most.
Click here to sign up for Get Knitting: Simple Sequence Knitting.
**NOTE: This class is taught at McKinney Knittery. The link above will take you to the McKinney Knittery website to register for class.**
Please email if you have any questions or issues with online registration.