Double knitting lets you knit two layers of fabric at once and can be used to make double-thick and completely reversible patterns. The technique can be a bit of a brain-bender, but if you can confidently cast on, knit, purl, and slip stitches, you can double knit. We will take it slowly and build up to following patterns and making tidy edges. We will spend the first two hours of class practicing (no stress! rip out freely!) before starting a simple, small coaster project in the final hour. You will get lots of hands on help during class, detailed written instructions, and a list of resources and patterns.
Click here to sign up for Get Knitting: Double Knitting for Absolute Beginner.
**NOTE: This class is taught at McKinney Knittery. The link above will take you to the McKinney Knittery website to register for class.**
Please email if you have any questions or issues with online registration.